LCSW Temp/Relief

Correctional Contracting in CA

Temp/Relief LCSW opportunities are numerous across CA CDCR. Assignments are typically full time but vary with 3-month and 2x10 assignments available depending on the site.

LCSWs at Correctional facilities have inpatient and outpatient duties, and typically the more intense positions have higher rates. As always, patient care is the priority, and many unit types are served across the state. The needs are great, and candidates must have a minimum of 12 months experience. LCSWs will periodically serve as clinician-of-the-day by being available on-call. They will develop a therapeutic relationship with patient-inmates, families and caretakers, in order to enhance effective treatment delivery. Initial mental health evaluations, reviewing prior mental health records, institutional chronos, probation reports, court records and other available documents,  participation in interdisciplinary treatment team meetings, and reports will all be part of the assignment.

 Because the facilities are primarily correctional in nature, credentialing falls on the vendor and the candidate. Though there is a great need, time off should generally be scheduled before or after the assignment. Offerings across the system range in intensity and reimbursement from $65-108/hour.

LCSWs at DSH are typically W2 employees and 1099 status is not currently offered.